June 25, 2013

nineteen months

Life is just about perfect with a one and a half year old in tow.  I feel like I spend most of my days laughing at the cute things she's learning, saying, doing... She's eager to be taught almost anything, loves to be alive, and helps me appreciate how great life is. 

I wanted to jot down a couple of beyond adorable thing's she's been saying lately that I hope to never forget. The other day as we pulled the car to a stop on our street she cheerfully proclaimed, "ee home!" (we're home). It's something I usually announce to her as a, 'yay we're getting out of the car' encouragement, but she knew all by herself that time. Since then I've caught her saying it while she's playing. "eee home... eee home... eee home...".  

Another night we had just sat down to dinner and I was saying the prayer. Madeline was having a hard time containing her excitement for the ravioli sitting just inches from her face but complied when we asked her to fold her arms. In the middle of the prayer she loudly said, "Amen."

She's been obsessed with calling and skyping her grandparents lately. Often during the day she'll catch a glimpse of my computer and repeat over and over, "gampa gampa gampa".  And it's the highlight of her day if we catch grandma or grandpa on the phone and she gets to say "HY-EEEE!" to them. We can't wait to see them in a few weeks! 

Madeline loves to help unload the dishwasher, she's getting really good at listening and obeying more and more. I've been really excited that she's starting to understand, "if you do this first, then you can do that..." (i.e. pick up your pencils before you get you toys out). 

I know there are so many more things I've been thinking I need to record, but for now this will have to do. We're pretty happy here at nineteen months of parenthood. And although I wouldn't mind picking up a few less messes every day... It's hard to say no to an adorably curious little girl who finds her happy place in taking things out and spreading them across the house. Fingernail polish, muffin tins,  silverware, hair bows, dice, books, toys and anything else she can get into; it makes her happy and gives me twenty minutes of quiet :) 

June 17, 2013

madeline loves her grandpas

Thank you all for the wonderful well wishes and excitement regarding our growing family. We are really excited. Emotionally it's been a long eight months or so, but we're happy to be moving forward.  I'm grateful for the opportunity to be busy during the rest of this pregnancy, and particularly excited that we'll be busy with our extended family. We can't wait to spend a good chunk of the summer together.  

In preparation for for our trip, we've been trying to practice saying the names of some family members.  When we skyped my family yesterday she was really quiet at saying their names, so just to prove she can say some of them, here's a video. Pretty good for not quite 19months, right? Sorry she doesn't say your names better mom, Christian and Elizabeth. We're still learning :)

We skyped some of Jeremy's family last night too and as soon as she saw the skype window pop open she couldn't stop saying "gampa gampa gampa." Naturally there were a few technical difficulties and before a minute had passed she was sobbing the biggest crocodile tears because she couldn't see Grandpa! I think she enjoys being the only grandchild for now.  But I'm sure she'll love running around   with all twenty four of her cousins on the other side, too! 

June 16, 2013

we just can't hide this bump anymore... we're going to be a family of FOUR!

It's true, it's true, there are four peas in this pod now. We are so happy to announce that we're expecting baby number two, coming this December. I'm thirteen weeks along and baby is the size of a pea pod (see how punny we are!) Our anniversary is the latest due date we've been given. I guess this won't be the romantic anniversary we keep hoping to have, but we think a baby is great, too :)  Plus, who doesn't love the idea of spending Christmas with a brand new snuggly baby!? Only 27 weeks to go...

June 4, 2013

on the phone

I was on the phone with my mom for a little while before dinner today. Madeline always loves the chance to enthusiastically say, "Hy-eeeee!"to Grandma, also sometimes known as "na na" because it's a lot easier to say. During dinner I handed her half a piece of bread after she finished her soup and she picked it right up and carried on the most serious conversation with grandma through the rest of the meal.  It was pretty cute. I can hardly believe we're moving into the stage of imagination! I'm loving every minute of this eighteen month age. All the new words and the curious cogs in her mind that always seem to be turning. She is such a joy to have around and we love her so much! 

Also, you can take this blog post as a sign that we are alive! wooh! Sorry to have been MIA again. We've been enjoying husband's break from school the past few weeks :) But I've got lots of things I hope to share with you soon!