July 29, 2014

"mommy, I love you too"

Madeline and I each have a caption for this photo. I'll go first - The kids were up ALL night. At least one of them was awake every two hours, both of them a couple times. I realize people have kids who don't sleep well, but ours have always been pretty great and I didn't handle this rare occurrence very well. I was kind of a mess this morning... and decided I deserved a nap, so when Luke laid down for his morning nap, I provided Madeline with a plethora of entertainment. Of course she interrupted me every five minutes. GAH!!!!! Cue me losing it, raising my voice and immediately feeling bad about it.... Before I had a chance to apologize, her two little arms encircled my neck and the sweetest little voice whispered,"mommy, I love you too..." She wasn't trying to make me feel guilty, she just wanted to let me know she loves me. How have I been so blessed!?

Madeline's response after looking at this picture was,"Oh, I think there's a bug in my nose." Kind of looks like it ;) 

July 28, 2014

first batch of photos from the lake - swimming!

^^I must subconsciously fancy myself a dancer...?^^
^^we be cool^^
^^One thing's for sure - I am not letting go of my nose!^^
^^Never trust mom to jump in with you^^
^^such a happy little swimmer! (you'll notice his sister isn't in any of the swimming pictures...)^^
Not much to say other than I'd forgotten how much I love swimming! That first leap of faith into the chilly water could be one of my favorite sensations. 

July 24, 2014

July 16, 2014

nature's peace

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn." - John Muir

Family, nature and my camera make me one happy camper.