January 28, 2015

baltimore family photographer - baby lila


Isn't she the sweetest!?! Those cheeks! I just want to kiss them for days... It hasn't been very long since I saw the Hustedt family for some family/maternity pictures and now sweet baby Lila is here and they are a family of FOUR! Congratulations Hustedt family! Thanks for letting me step into your sweet little world.

January 23, 2015

the only thing better than being elsa....

 ....is being Elsa with a friend. Highlight of my day was overhearing, "I love you Elsa! You're my best friend."  

happy green

In hopes of making our house feel a little more cheery and ALIVE through this never ending month of January, I picked up a few plants to spread throughout the house. Admittedly, most of them are plastic, because I don't have the best track record when it comes to plants... But I thought I'd give these two a try.

After admiring them on our windowsill for a few days, I made the comment to Jeremy that they kind of resemble us. Jokingly he responded, "Oh, so I'm the tall, twisted, prickly guy, huh?" Moral of the story, don't compare your husband to a cactus, not to his face at least ;) I still kind of think they look like us.

Any suggestions for adding happy home touches in January would be most welcome :)

January 22, 2015

he's just a really great dad

Horrible photos. I know. I was shooting through a sheet of plastic, glass windows, and a metal window guard in low light. Not to mention the lovely backdrop.... Not the point. 

The point is, at 7:30 last night Jeremy walked home from a long day of school, followed by serving two hours at our Bishop storehouse (usually we all go, but Luke and I are sick). I'm sure he would have loved to sit down in our warm house and have dinner, but instead he asked Madeline if she'd like to build a snowman. 

Obviously she did. In fact she had no problems with changing out of her pajamas and extending her bedtime by an hour ;) 

Thank you Jeremy for being such a great dad. Thanks for being present in the lives of our kids. I'm certain if you weren't, you wouldn't have known how much she'd love to spend a little time with you in the snow.