September 23, 2015

sunless sunrise with my favorite people

^^ "Why are we awake guys??" ^^ 

We woke the kids up early, long before daylight, slipped their jackets and shoes on and buckled them in their carseats. I have to admit it felt good to be waking them up for a change :) After a five minute drive we arrived to dark and desolate beach. We huddled together on the sand and waited. Gradually the light grew brighter, we saw a brief pink glow on the cloudy horizon and that was it. No majestic colors or brilliant glowing sun but somehow it didn't matter. Because any time spent with these three is better than the most beautiful sunrise. It's cheesy, I know, but they light up my life.  

If these pictures seem blurry to you it's because they are. High ISO combined with constant salty ocean spray on my lens does not result in sharp pictures ;) I couldn't clean it fast enough! And the last one of our family... let's just say I've made a mental note to hand my phone, not my camera, to a kind stranger willing to take our picture haha. 

September 22, 2015

we're home

We're home from a "last hurrah of summer long weekend by the beach". It was full of good food, beautiful views and most of all great friends. Looking back I don't think I changed a single diaper all weekend, thanks babe! It was an escape we all needed, and I'm sad it had to end but it does feel good to be home.  Driving home through rural Delaware I managed to convince Jeremy to pull over so I could take a few pictures of the white beauty you saw above. I'm not a horse person, or really an animal person, but he took my breath away. Or she. I didn't get that close. If it weren't for the "no trespassing" signs on every three feet of fencing, I would have given him the last apple in our cooler.

It's fall and it's starting to feel like fall and my parents are coming to visit this weekend and everything feels right and good in the world. It's good to be home.

September 9, 2015

little ballerina

^^He felt the need to step in front of the camera a few times. 
Sorry bud, you're still loved!^^

Tomorrow is the day. She's been dreaming about this day for years, we've been talking seriously about it for months, she's been signed up for weeks and had the appropriate attire for days.... and tomorrow, this long awaited first day of ballet class is finally happening.

She already thinks she's the prima ballerina, and I'm a tiny bit worried she'll try and instruct her teacher, but it's time. She's ready. And I'm so excited for her. Wouldn't it be great if we all had the courage and confidence to chase our dreams like a three year? 

Don't you ever change my little ballerina. You are perfect just the way you are.

September 7, 2015

4th of July

^^ picture fail.^^ 

Two months late, but hey, better late than never!  Without doubt this was the best 4th of July to date. Flag raisings, pancake breakfasts, kids parading on decked out bikes, free pony rides, a good old American baseball game and a firework show to close out the night. It was all of my 4th of July dreams coming true in front of my eyes, surrounded by family. I cried through all patriotic music and loved every minute of this great day in which we celebrate the freedoms so many have sacrificed to give us.