August 3, 2015

wells reunion - honeysuckle beach

I mentioned almost a month ago that I was forced to take a break from blogging while we were on vacation because my poor dying laptop just can't handle any editing so I had no way to blog with pictures for our whole vacation. And who wants to see a blog post with no pictures?! Not me. 

We've been home for two and a half weeks and I'm just now getting to sharing pictures from our wonderful month in Spokane. Not going to lie, I actually love reliving such happy memories. Hopefully someday we'll be able to call the northwest home. 

These photos were from a day at Honeysuckle Beach during our Wells family reunion. I can't believe how many family members didn't make it in a picture (sorry!) but as you can see it was a pretty great day :) 

1 comment :

  1. I refuse to believe that your kiddos are that big. There must be some weird editing trick that you are using. You look fabulous-no editing needed there.


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