December 31, 2014

smash that cupcake

I realize that's kind of picture overload, but if you hadn't noticed yet, that's how we role ;) You haven't forgotten pictures of Madeline's first birthday, have you? 

It was fun to have the missionaries join us for our little celebration. I think they enjoyed watching Luke demolish his cupcake :) And obviously Luke enjoyed it. 

Hope you all have a safe and happy new year!!! 

See you again in 2015!!! 

December 28, 2014


Master Luke is officially one. Or as Madeline announced today, "Luke is the onest baby ever!" This boy is seriously the best. He's stolen my heart and I don't even want it back. Strangers stop me all the time to tell me what a happy boy he is, "with such big, round, BLUE eyes!" Two weeks ago he decided he was ready to walk and he's been cruising all over the place. He took his first steps to Madeline at ten months, but it took him a little time to gain the confidence to make it a regular thing. The stage where they're toddling and it looks like they're about to fall with every step they take but they never fall, that's where we are. And I love it. Seeing his tiny little self walk all over the house always makes me smile :)

In the past couple days he's seemed to be more aware of words and has started verbalizing more. He says mama, dada (not always in the right context ;) ) and "uh-oh" and "cheese" when we're taking pictures!!! Oh my goodness, melt my heart. 

He's a growing happy boy and my goodness we're so glad he joined our family one year ago. 

Happy birthday Luke!

December 25, 2014

He is the Gift

"Because He came there is meaning to our mortal existence." - Thomas S. Monson

Merry Christmas

December 24, 2014

santa clause is coming to town

And despite the message these images convey, a couple of kids I know are REALLY excited he'll be making a stop at our house tonight :) 

Merry Christmas!!!

December 23, 2014

around here lately

^^ The first snowfall is so exciting! I don't think Luke had any idea 
what they were looking at, but he enjoyed being up on the windowsill :) ^^

^^ homemade baby gates aren't as effective as store-bought... ^^

^^ So proud of himself for getting onto the stool :) ^^

^^ we're all so happy to be making sugar cookies ;) ^^

^^ We got to make a cookie cutter using a 3D printer a few weeks ago. 
Guess what the dental student thought we should make ;) ^^

^^ One of these things is not like the other.... haha ^^

^^ There's been lots of great movie watching happening :) 
Mostly me by myself, but you know. I don't mind so much. ^^

Hope your December has been full of all your favorite holiday activities and the people you love. A similar post  from last year can be seen here. Can't believe we only had one kid last Christmas and it's amazing how much she's grown!