^^ The first snowfall is so exciting! I don't think Luke had any idea
what they were looking at, but he enjoyed being up on the windowsill :) ^^
^^ homemade baby gates aren't as effective as store-bought... ^^
^^ So proud of himself for getting onto the stool :) ^^
^^ we're all so happy to be making sugar cookies ;) ^^
^^ We got to make a cookie cutter using a 3D printer a few weeks ago.
Guess what the dental student thought we should make ;) ^^
^^ One of these things is not like the other.... haha ^^
^^ There's been lots of great movie watching happening :)
Mostly me by myself, but you know. I don't mind so much. ^^
Hope your December has been full of all your favorite holiday activities and the people you love. A similar post from last year can be seen
here. Can't believe we only had one kid last Christmas and it's amazing how much she's grown!