June 26, 2015

summer days

These are the summer days I've longed for. Dirty kids running free, getting dirty having fun. Bike rides, sprinklers, boating and most importantly lots of time with family.  Life has been so good the past week and a half. Except for the fact that we haven't seen daddy in that week and a half... boy are we looking forward to Saturday!!! 

My laptop's memory is full, so even though I have LOTS more pictures I was hoping to share, it'll just have to wait till I get home to my other computer. 

Hope everyone else is enjoying these summer days!

June 22, 2015

in a white shirt and tie

My favorite thing about these pictures is that Jeremy is wearing his white shirt and tie. Every Wednesday night, as part of his current church calling, he takes time away from school and family to visit members of our ward. This particular night he took a few minutes to sit down and read a story to Madeline before leaving. 

Being a member of this church provides lots of opportunities to serve in different capacities at different times. Sometimes it's really hard having Jeremy away so much. I'll be honest and say getting the kids ready for church by myself and often having to sit alone through Sacrament meeting isn't my favorite. But I'm so grateful to have a husband who is worthy and willing to serve the Lord however he is needed.

When my kids think back on their childhood, I hope they have memories of their dad in a white shirt and tie. Whether he's serving as bishop or nursery leader, I know Jeremy will always come dressed in his best to serve the Lord. It's part of who he is and one of the many ways he is faithful to his priesthood. I have so many memories of my dad coming and going in Sunday clothes and I know Jeremy does too.

It is traditional in our church to have father's bless their children soon after they are born. Often times all white outfits are worn. Madeline wore a beautiful white dress on the day she was blessed. On Luke's blessing day I put him in a white shirt and tie because my hope for him in his life is that he wears the combination often, just like his dad and grandpa's and so many uncles. 

A belated happy father's day to all the great men in my life and in the lives of my children. Especially to the father of my children, it's been pretty great watching you grow as a dad.

June 19, 2015

scenes from the park

^^ Making me laugh because I asked him to let me test a shot ^^

Apparently I've been a total slacker when it comes to keeping up with family pictures because I keep finding forgotten ones. I promise Luke was there too ;) He somehow managed to dodge the camera this particular day. 

I complain about our lack of backyard a lot. And while I'm certainly looking forward to a backyard (hopefully in a year!) I'm grateful we have a park around the corner during this season of city living.

June 15, 2015

roadside wish blowing

On our drive home from Cary last April, the kids got to that point where they NEEDED to get out of the car for a few minutes.... And maybe I needed to stretch my legs too.

We pulled over at a rest stop in Virginia to breathe the fresh air and be out of the car for a few minutes.  It was the best little break for all of us. I need to pull out my camera more often. It's such a great creative release. As I recall, the last few hours were much happier ones :)

June 6, 2015

when adam came to town

My brother Adam came to visit last month. It was SO GOOD to have him here. We're kindred spirits, him and I. And I like that he brings out the ginger in me ;) Don't I look like a redhead next to him! It's crazy. He's getting into photography, too! Which is way fun. Nice to have someone willing to meander :) 

I unfortunately got sick with an awful head-cold soon after he got here. And I'm glad we took pictures, because most of the weekend is a blur to me now. In fact, after being sick I got in this awful funk and I only just now remembered we took all these pictures. 

Thanks for coming Adam! Can't wait to see you again in just over a week!!!!!